Software I use, gadgets I love, and other things I recommend.

I get asked a lot about the things I use to build software. Here’s a big list of all of my favorite stuff.

Languages & Frameworks

  • Scala, ZIO & Akka

    A powerful and expressive language, high-performance and composable concurrency and a fault-tolerant actor-based runtime respectively. Together they let me tackle high traffic and complex workflows. Whats not to like about this stack?

  • Typescript, NextJS & NestJS

    Strongly typed web development with fast, extensible, react based front-end framework and a modular maintainable back-end framework. These tools allow me to easily create robust and performant web-applications that can scale to meet changing business requirements.

  • React Native

    The rapid mobile development toolkit. Leverage familiar tools to create engaging user interfaces with access to native device features.

  • Python, Tensorflow, Pytorch & Jupyter

    The powerful, flexible, interactive and collaborative deep learning stack.

  • Kubernetes, Terraform, Pulumi, Docker

    Just a comprehensive and powerful set of tools that I love for managing Infrastrucutre. Allows me to easily create, automate and scale reliable infrastructure for modern cloud-native applications.

Development tools

  • VS Code

    Lightweight, fast and extensible code editor that supports Vim keybindings. That's all I need.

  • Alacritty

    It might seem silly to care about your terminal emulator but when you use it as much as I do ensuring its blazingly fast means I dont have as much dead time waiting for processes to finish. You would be shocked how much of your total processing time is rendering the output. Alacritty solves this by being GPU accelerated.

  • Nix

    Purely functional, declarative, isolated and cross platform package manager. Removes dependency problems across projects and environments.